Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tournament on Saturday

I went to a tournament on Saturday and really had a great time. I ended up taking first place and went 3-0. One of my opponents was a guy who I always have super close games with and I am happy that we once again had a close game with him. I am going to try and give a set of battle reports here but I may have forgotten things. Forgive me.

First game:

I fought a guy playing pigs first. He was a fairly new player and had never experienced the "fun" of fighting Morty as a hordes player. His list looked something like this:

-3x war hogs

2x slaughter housers
1x brigands
Razorback crew

I think that's all he had.

I ran this list: (remember I had extra points from the toy drive)
-death jack

2x war witches
4x scrap thralls

This game didn't last too long but it went like man y of my Morty games. I held on turn one and he ran up and once I got into range I was able to charge into one of his beasts and kill it and send the harrower into one pack of slaughterhousers. Over run goes off and death jack smashes into his caster. However his caster has like 6 fury on him so he survives by transferring all the damage, also I needed 6s on 3 dice and missed my charge attack and then two others after that. However, by the end of it his beasts have like 2-3 he left. He takes a turn and sadly doesn't get much done even after healing his jacks. Next turn I kills both beasts and his caster in short order.

Win for me.


Second game:

Fought against circle. These guys are the ones I hate the most when it comes to playing because half the time I really want Morty but sometimes they play construct mode and make it hard. I ended up risking it and playing Morty. He played a list that I have very little memory of sadly but I will try.


2x shifting stones one with a UA
Blackclad wayfayer
2x blood trackers one with UA

I think that was it. I played the same Morty list from above.

This game was full of crazy. he was able to slam getorex into DJ on his first turn but missed a bunch (go go def 13) so he didn't kill him and left all systems in tact. I then proceeded to kill his gorax and getorex the next turn. He followed up by sending his stalker at my DJ but once again DJ lived. He did an assassination attempt on my caster at this point but failed because his trackers couldn't hit with their ranged attacks. Next turn I killed his stalker with DJ and used that to overrun my desecrator into his caster. Then his caster died. The opponent was not happy about something that happened here, I don't really know what though because he wouldn't tell me but I think he thought that I moved one of his pieces or something. I don't think that I did but he was upset about it a little it seemed. I said sorry and he said it wasn't a big deal but it was an odd situation.

Win for me.


My last game was a very interesting one. I fought epic Lilith and have never faced her before so when I put DJ 15" away I thought he was safe'ish and not......dead......turn one.

Lists looked something like this:

-bolt thrower

2x shepards
He had another piece or two but I don't remember.

I played the same Morty I had been all day.

The game was fast and ended differently than any game than I have ever played with Morty. I went first and moved up. I thought I was being careful of his range cause I knew she could put some ranged damage out there. I was not nearly safe enough with DJ and on his first turn he pin cushioned and feated which cost me a DJ, though it took all his fire power to do it. The on my turn I realizes that I was very much in range to go for a scenario victory as I had gotten one of the needed points already. Getting this required my harrower to charge his striders, thresher a first wave of them and then over run himself into more and with souls from the first batch kill almost the entire unit. This meant that his zone was mine and all I had to do was kill his objective marker. So I charged the desecrator and seether into it and killed it netting me another 2 points, which got me the 3 I needed. I have never gone for scenario with Morty but he was just too far away.

Win for me.


I had a great time doing this event and I was super pleased to see a good turn out at comic quest. Another victory for the dragon father.

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